Did you know that the average home in the US spends $2,000 a year on electricity? This is an astronomical amount and can be easily reduced by making a switch to Clean Energy 

Go Solar The Better Way 
$0 Out of your Pockets 


Exceptional Service

We offer a 60 Days Install Guarantee for all our customers. If we can't install your solar project in less than sixty days, We will pay your 12 Months Electricity Bill up to $2000

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Exceptional Production


A 25 Year Production Guarantee makes it easier to sleep at night knowing that the solar panels will produce what they promised. It is an insurance policy against any errors in calculation, making sure you are getting your money's worth every day of coming twenty-five years..

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25 Years Equipment Warranty 

Our 25 year production guarantee gives you peace of mind knowing that even if your system produces less power than we promised, then we will cut you a check for the difference. This is 24/7 security and insurance on your investment to produce energy from solar panels. You can feel secure with our offer because it allows unlimited access to all service providers at no extra cost!

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Full Coverage / Roof Insurance

We audit and certify your roof for solar panel installation before we even begin installing. This is an important step in our process to ensure all homeowners get the security of having up to $1 million dollars covered, so they never have anything left to worry about.

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Here is what comes along with your Solar System 

Our Process is Seamless and $0 Out of Pocket Program 


The fact that Solar is financially a no-brainer for home owners can be seen in the first month of savings.


We believe that if there is no speed then there isn't any need,  60 days or we pay for your Electricity bill for 1 year up to $2000


We are a team of quality educators and installers who also happen to be home owners. We understand that when it comes to your homes, you deserve only the best!


If you're looking for a machine that will last, look no further. Our equipment is built to stand the test of time and come with 25 years warranty. All work done by us 


Our Specialized team ensures that you will not experience any problems with your system by monitoring it 24*7 365 days a year. 


Our process will be completely seamless. The lights won't flicker and nothing will change, so you can sit back and relax while we take care of all the heavy lifting and your permitting needs.

Free Assessment

Our free assessment includes:

Identify obstruction, roof's condition, age and it's position suitable for Sun Light. Secondly, we also do electrical check for sizing, normal load and peak requirements. Match reliable Solar PV for the facility and educate owners on the Solar Program.

Schedule  (866) 769-8555

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Solar Educators